Monday, July 21, 2008


Last Friday I upgraded my old cell phone and finally got an iPhone. I absolutely love it. All the fun features like accessing the web, iTunes, and easy texting can't compare with the fact that I don't have to charge it every two hours like my last phone. With my old phone I would have it fully charged, make one phone call and it would start beeping because of a low battery. Sheesh! I'm so glad to have moved on. :) I won't say how long it took in line to get this thing. I made a pact with my husband to never tell exactly how long we had to wait in line. I mean after all, it is just a phone. Is it worth standing hours in line? For me, it was. And apparently for the long line of others that hung out with us too. As I left I saw complete strangers giving each other high-fives and knowing grins as they clutched their iPhone bags. My phone came in handy that very afternoon. I got a lot of amusement out of being able to view my blog and some of my favorite websites on it while in the pediatrician's waiting room. My old phone didn't have that kind of entertainment! Sigh. Happy surfing! --Sally


Misty said...

I'm going to get on tomorrow. I can't wait!!

Julie Rivera said...

I like the screen image on your iPhone. :) I am still roughing it with my Samsung flip phone. And I will be until it dies. I am just too cheap! :)

Renee said...

Oh, I am a little green. I want one but I think I will have to wait another year until my Verizon contract ends. On of my friends waited 6 hours for her iPhone.

rashmi p. said...

Jealous! I want one too!!

Meg said...

I want one too!! I am so jealous but since we are a Verizon family we can't have sad!

I have a blackberry but it is not nearly as much fun!