Monday, June 30, 2008

Catching up

The reason that I haven't posted anything since before last week is because I was out of town on a last-minute road trip to Tennessee. We decided to take advantage of a quiet week and hit the road to see my husband's family. We are officially back and I am "in the office." I'll be posting some images soon that I took on our trip including a family session, a newborn session, and some fun images from the road. It is good to be back in Virginia and I'll be paying for my week of good, Southern cooking and lots of Cracker Barrel highway stops. Salads here I come!


Julie Rivera said...

I wondered where you were! Welcome back home. We can chat about eating too much in restaurants...

Renee said...

Oh, Cracker Barrel. We sometimes eat there twice a day when driving to SC. I was a cashier at one in 1994.