Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My new addition

Just ask my husband, I am pretty fanatical about needing my coffee in the morning. I had been using a sad little coffee pot that had seen better days. It was missing its lid and it leaked some funky black water out the back when I would brew large pots of coffee. I saw this little beauty on sale at Starbucks this week and knew the time had come to upgrade. Now thanks to the timer I have my coffee brewed right before I get up for the day. Waking up to fresh-brewed coffee is a great way to start the day. Ah, pure bliss!


Jon Luminati said...

You know. I've never been too much of a coffee fanatic, but this whole baby thing is making me re-evaluate. Maybe I'll put such a contraption down on my Christmas list.

Dr. Mike said...

Now you need to add the joy of a little coffee grinder for some fresh ground coffee!